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ShootShootSocial  06.08 - 13.08.2018 will gather 30 young people(group leaders included) aged 18-25 (no maximum age limit for the group leaders) from 5 countries:  Italy, Spain, FYRO Macedonia, Croatia and Greece.

The youth exchange is focused on exploring the universal medium of videos in order to communicate a clear message creating effective videos to be used on social channels to "attract" new opportunities, sharing knowledge about video making and tricks on how to use them on social media increasing media literacy and employability.

The methods are formed in a way that we will be all actively involved in it, thus creating our own learning. This way we will have the chance to shape it accordingly to respective needs.

There will be both theoretical and practical parts.
During the activities we will talk, give inspiration and tools to create videos, shooting, editing and sharing them with online world.
The topics are:
• How to shoot, edit and share videos.
• Increase digital competencies and free creativity.
• Get inspiration an motivation in sharing talents, increasing own appeal on 
job market.


The youth exchange consists of 3 different steps.


1- Online preparation: this will happen through online assignments in the Facebook group of the project, the goal is to start knowing each other first virtually and to get ready for the exchange.


2- The exchange (06-13 August 2018) which will focus on the following points:

• How to shoot, edit and share videos.
• Increase digital competencies and free creativity.
• Get inspiration an motivation in sharing talents, increasing 
own appeal on job market.

• Provide competences, support and inspiration to youth, sharing knowledge to
foster them to take action, showing their new skills and catch new opportunities.


The youth exchange will consist of 7 days of activities:

The first 2 days will focus on introduction and group building,

Followed by 5 days of workshops and activities both practical and theoretical in which we will shoot, edit, publish and share our masterpieces.

Arrival day for the leaders: 05 August before 19:00
Arrival day for the participants: 06 August, by private bus from Turin provided by the organizers
Start of the activities: 06 August after dinner

End of the activities: 12 August after dinner

Departure day: 13 August after breakfast by private bus provided by the organizers


3- Follow -up phase (September, October 2018): 

At the end of the youth exchange, you will be asked:

- To share your works prepared during the experience and your feelings about it
- Organize at least one event or activity in your local community based on the
knowledge learned during the project which aims to apply, increase or disseminate them, that can be a group event, a workshop, promotional video
- Fill in a specific questionnaire after it.

The follow-up tasks can be organized in national team or individually.

These activities will be the first steps to be more aware of the impact of
technologies in our lives, allowing you to put immediately into practice what you

learnt during the youth exchange also with the aim to reflect on the impact of the
youth exchange on your life back home.
By this, we will have the opportunity to see tangible results out of the project in a
form of a activity from each of you.





* While applying for this program you commit to actively engage in all the 3 phases of the youth exchange, partial participation in the program cannot be an option: the travel reimbursement will be sent to the ones who fully participate in all the 3 phases as above described and  mentioned  in the regulations of the Erasmus+ Program.


** Group Leaders applying for this youth exchange, commit to participate also in the second youth exchange of

the project, named"Socemployable!"(more details on this point will be provided in the confirmation letter).


*** Young participants applying for this youth exchange are also warmly invited to take part in the second youth exchange of the project, named "Socemployable! getting priority on new candidates (more details on this point will be provided in the confirmation letter).


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